Arthur Spiethoff

Short summary with reference to others and to full translation of main work.

doi = {10.1111/j.1467-6435.1954.tb02083.x},
author = {GARDNER ACKLEY},
publisher = {John Wiley and Sons},
journal = {Kyklos},
issnp = {0023-5962},
issne = {1467-6435},
year = {1954},
volume = {7},
issue = {3},
page = {283–285},
url = {},

To do: get International Economic Papers No.3. Translations prepared for the International Economic Association Edited by ALAN T.PEACOCK, RALPH TURVEY, and ELIZABETH HENDERSON. London and New York, 1953. Macmillan. 25j p. S. 15.

(SLV, UniMel?)

A. HANSEN, Business Cycles and National Income (New York 1951, W. W. Norton), p.2~2-300.

doi = {10.2307/2116910},
title = {Arthur Spiethoff on Economic Styles},
author = {Fritz Redlich},
publisher = {Cambridge University Press},
journal = {The Journal of Economic History},
issnp = {0022-0507},
issne = {1471-6372},
year = {1970},
month = {09},
volume = {30},
issue = {3},
page = {640–652},
url = {},

Chapter 65 of Vol 1 has bibliography:

See History of Economic Thought

Tendentious summary of Spiethoff and Cassell (plus some Schumpeter) in Cahapter 3 B.TheNon-monetaryOver-investmentTheories in Haberle “Prosperity and Depression” pp72-85:

This also covers comprhensive range of theories.

Original 1937 to 1941 edition from League of Nations also in Frennch:

Haberler Gottfried-Prosperite et depression. etude theorique des cycles economiques. 3eme ed. augmentee d’une troisieme partie.-Société des Nations (1943).pdf

title = {Prosperite et depression. etude theorique des cycles economiques. 3eme ed. augmentee d’une troisieme partie.},
author = {Haberler Gottfried},
publisher = {Société des Nations},
isbn = {},
year = {1943},
series = {},
edition = {},
volume = {},
url = {}